Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all
And sweetest is the gale is heard; and sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm...
~Emily Dickinson

Monday, October 25, 2010

What Autism has taught me this year...

I would've done this for every year, but too late:)
I was inspired by my good friends blog to list the things I've learned over this year...it was a great year :)

1. You can find beauty in everything and everyone
2. Never judge someone or a situation, you really have NO clue what their life is like
3. Smiling is the best thing you can do for yourself and those you love
4. Patience is a virtue
5. I have qualities in me I never knew were there
6. The human brain is a magical, amazing thing, we may never understand it
7. I really do love being a mom
8. I am a good person
9. I love my friends more each day
10. Sweatpants are a saving grace
11. As far as life obstacles for humans, this is one of the big ones in my book
12. Most people don't know anything about Autism
13. What people think they know about Autism is for the most part incorrect, or purely scientific data they repeat from news stories
14. It is not worth loosing your temper over small things...or anything really
15. Life is how you decide to look at it
16. Every day is full of choices
17. Never assume anything
18. Don't take anything personally
19. Go into every situation open minded and ready to receive anything
20. Everyone deserves respect
21. Listen before you act
22. Love, in its purest form, is the most life changing thing that can happen to you if you let it

peace :)

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