Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all
And sweetest is the gale is heard; and sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm...
~Emily Dickinson

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Love just is...possible.

Today was my late father's birthday.
He would've been 69.

I find the more time passes it gets easier without him physically being here.
I still miss his voice, support, and love though...that will never fade.
He is and always will be my only father, and I am thankful I had him the short time I did.
We all only have 1's on our lives....1 father, 1 mother, etc.
However, lately I was reminded you can still have people care for you just as much if not more than your 1's.

I have a small family, I cherish them and my time with them...you have to when you have only a handful of family.
I had the chance to go home for Thanksgiving, and I was shown just how others can care for you as if they were your father, mother, etc...

I was reminded how cared for I am on different levels...and it was a nice reminder of human nature.
Just because someone is not your blood, doesn't mean you can't feel deeply for them.

I was reminded of what I feel I am always trying to say...we are all just people wanting love, respect, and care.
All of these emotions can come to you through people no matter what their relation to you.

When you stop being selfish and start loving...open your heart to others...that is when you really can receive gifts in life.
If you choose to listen, love, and receive all that is out there for you you may be surprised by the results.

We are all blessed, and we are all capable of finding love in unexpected places.
I found more love in my family than I knew existed...I bet most people could do the same if you choose to.

Life, love, and compassion is always around us.
We must let down our insecurities, preconceived notions, and start allowing.

Kannon is not my peer....nor my teacher in socially accepted terms...however, in all truth he has taught me more than any human being.
When I let myself allow other life possibilities is when my life became possible.

peace :)

p.s. Happy Birthday Dad...miss you, love you, hope you are proud of where I am.

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