Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all
And sweetest is the gale is heard; and sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm...
~Emily Dickinson

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I was inspired tonight by a post from a person I have come to respect and have a connection with, even though we live worlds apart :)

She spoke of the frustration of her son who has Autism not being able to respond to her words of love.
He could not tell her he loved her.
He couldn't respond to the actions or words that so easily flowed through her heart to his ears.

I know this feeling all too well.
I noted that I sometimes feel as if Kannon is in a brick room.
Just him, all by himself...unreachable by sight, by words, by touch.
Even though you can hear him, hear the mumbles coming out of his mouth you can't "reach" him.
He is untouchable.
He has put himself in a place that is unknown to him, but safe.

This is Autism.
A "safe" place he goes back to.
Blocked off.
You could run into these brick walls over and over again out of sheer frustration, trying to reach him and you would knock yourself out most of the time.

The thing about being a parent to a child with Autism that makes us different is that we get up every single time and keep trying to knock these walls down...
Not just knock it down, break through it.
Break down those walls and reach our child.
Reach out to them and hug them.
Embrace their innocence.
Love them.

Even if we only do this in our minds, in our hearts, we still do it.
We still fight for that reality that for some people comes so easily.
Not out of anger or resentment.

Out of hope.

I believe Kannon and all the other kids out there with Autism are strong enough to lift themselves up over those walls and hear our words of love and hope.
I also believe that even if they can't find the strength or clarity to lift themselves up we are speaking loud enough for them to hear us through those walls.

We are bigger than Autism.
We are able to speak above the concrete foundations that Autism sets.
We can break down these walls that surround our beautiful children.

We must expose them to this world.
We must keep trying.

Out of love, out of hope, and because we know moments are all that matter.
And not just for ourselves, but for other people so that we can educate them on this disorder.

So maybe sometimes those walls can be made of brick.
Sometimes of glass.
Sometimes of silk.

Walls can be broken down though.
We can make room for other possibilities.

Anything is possible when love is involved.

Thank you to Garret and Morgans beautiful mother for sharing in this experience...

peace :)


  1. Thank you,Kary. :-) My heart right now is in knots. There is indeed hope. I am blessed to have known you, you and Kannon who have given me hope and strength and faith. We are greater and stronger than the walls of Autism.

  2. Your post was amazing. It was really hard to make it through without crying.

  3. This is my sons site and story.
