Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all
And sweetest is the gale is heard; and sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm...
~Emily Dickinson

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fairy tales

I wanted to share some of Kannon's ART with you all :)

I have found out that most children with Autism are very talented when it comes to drawing, especially if they are non verbal.

I like to think this is one of the ways they can express what's inside their souls to us...

It is also simply a way for them to communicate with us when they don't have the words.

I forget sometimes as an adult why I loved princess fairy tales so much as a child.
It was an escape, it was beautiful, everything was so magical...
Kannon, as I have mentioned before LOVES princesses, castles, etc.
It is one if his favorite things to draw.

Then as we grow up we somehow forget this magical world of fairy tales.
We forget how it feels to be a "princess" or a "hero"
We get too wrapped up in the daily grind, in finding ourselves.
Funny thing is I think along the way we actually tend to loose ourselves.
Subconsciously I believe this is one of the reasons we have children, so that we can be reminded of this magic that only a child can believe in...
So that we can put a bed sheet around our necks and run around with our paper towel roll swords and fight evil.

We are meant to feel like princesses, to fight like kings, to see beauty and innocence in all that is our world...
To realize there are bad people out there, but we will always triumph over them...
That we can live happily ever after :)

Just a thought,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kary! :) Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, I've subscribed to your rss feed and am looking forward to getting to know you! :) XO Redheadmomma
    p.s. BEST. PICTURE. EVER. on your header. And I'm a designer/artist so I of course DIG Kannon's artwork - it fills me with joy!
